Monday, February 23, 2015

Fifty Shades of Grey: My short and simple movie review

The feeling of fulfillment!

So it is high time to make this review after my sober state after watching the movie. So yeah, 5 days after the valentine's day I went out to see the movie. And I say, it is all worth the long wait. Why after 5 days? Because I don't want to be with so many people, I don't want to be inside the crowded cinema house so I waited that long enough to carry on.

I loved the movie. Giggling, ogling, laughing and name it, it's all in one package.Yeah, I did all that alone in my seat while sipping my iced-coffee. Hahaha!!! I can't help it, Christian Grey is so hot! Hahaha!

I felt like I am a teen-year old having a great crush again. That's what Mr. Grey did to me. :)

 I did not expect that the movie will turned-out a little funny(well, it is so funny)!
It is not too heavy.

The acting was great and well-portrayed. They act so well and good.

And what I loved the most is that the story sticks based on the novel itself.

I am the kind of person who loves reading before watching so I must say that I am not being disappointed this time.

So, there.. Overall rating: Very Good! :)

I still have a crush on Mr. Grey.  Hihi

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